VENUS Errors - check sum and file corruption


I’m encountering a number of issues with a VENUS method. I randomly received error:

check sum failure

The method now cannot be saved. As I went to access earlier versions, they are now one by one encountering the same issue and I have lost essentially the entire protocol.

I tried to make a new method to try to salvage my code by pasting the submethods over, but am now encountering this error:

Hamilton STAR error_20241209

I have check sum verification disabled in the system config, can anyone please advise why this is happening or how I could recover my protocol?

If you encounter a data definition error, it might be because a key pairing has been lost between the .med file and the .hsl file (or other supporting files required to make a method work). The best way to resolve this issue is to restore the method files from a backup, typically a package file that is exported during the programming process. Regular backups are highly recommended to avoid such issues and to be able to recover from problems that might occur in or outside of VENUS.

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Not sure if it helps, but when I’ve got a checksum error before upon saving in Hamilton method editor, I’ve then opened the .hsl file separately (keeping Hamilton method editor open), and then it updates and becomes saveable?
I’ve had this happen to me a few times. But always make an end of the day .pkg file as backup too.

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