Venus4 liquid classes Vs. Venus6 liquid classes "Migrate the database"


I was wondering if Venus4 and Venus6 .mdb liquid class data bases are backwards compatible. We use the same .mdb file across all our Venus4 instruments then when opening with Venus6 I was presented with:

If I do convert, will this database no longer be compatible with Venus4? Ideally we have one liquid class database across all our instruments. If need be we could maintain a separate .mdb for Venus6. Though now if we want to develop and keep all instruments up to data we have to update both .mdbs…

FYI I hit no to the convert and could not edit liquid classes in Venus6:


No, they are not cross-compatible—venus 6 has a new dispense mode/different set of parameters for MagPip. Here’s a link to a comment from Eric back in November: