Has anyone successfully used a Precise Arm (PF400) and Rail with VWorks?
I guess you’ll need the Bionex device driver for this.
@mauro That is what I was thinking.
Just googled around an found this: pf400_module/src/pf400_driver/pf400_driver.py at main · AD-SDL/pf400_module · GitHub. You could submit a python command from VWorks at the right time using run(). Just an idea!
@mauro Sweet. I will see if we can get it to work. Thanks you!
Remember to use run(your command, true). The flag “true” makes the protocol wait until the command returns.
We have done about the same thing on vwork. My friends had an old bravo with robot arm and used for several years. Later they bought two bravo without arm for the arm was halt. They wanted to use other robot arm to automate their assay, but they can not get any support from Agilent. So we helped them to integrate vwork, arm and other devices. To achieve this, you will need a scheduler and drivers for devices.