Autoclavable / sterile lids that can be used with SBS reservoirs / robotic grippers

Does anyone have a recommendation for lids that can be used with SBS reservoirs? (example, agilent 290mL reservoir)

I’m using a tecan fluent RGA, and will probably be using a FLEX gripper soon as well.

Ideally I’d love one that can be autoclaved (and that won’t bend when autoclaved). (Reduce Reuse Recycle afterall)

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There are lots of options out there for universal lids but the autoclaving may be a hiccup for you. You may want to talk to ClickBio about an aluminum lid or 3D print to test one of your own and then have the CAD sent to ProtoLabs or Xyometry to have it milled from light-weight aluminum.


Just FYI, Polypropylene can be autoclave, but in my experience autoclaving a 300mL reservoir the walls warp badly. The base still worked fine. The challenge would be getting something plastic that didn’t warp.

The metal lid idea sounds like a good option.


Not sure if its metal PN187223, ask Hamilton? I was perusing the Hamilton catalog.


Aw smart, I always forget about that lid in the Hamilton catalog :slight_smile:

This is great advice! Also vendors tend to provide pretty good technical drawings of their products so you could definitely put something together in CAD with speed

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