Import mp3 / Playing music in Fluent

Hello all! I swear I saw an Import mp3 or m4a file command in Fluent, but can no longer find it. I did see this article confirming that there is a play music capability in Fluent. I would love to have a script loading and executing a worklist, and then playing a triumphant song afterwards. Any ideas what the "music command’ is called? Thank you community!

Fluent 3.4 version

I think this is in the basic instrument settings - unless you mean running a sound from scriptline?


In FluentControl Version 3.4, navigate to Settings, Configure System, General Settings, Sound

Sound bites (.mp3) from this drop-down list are controlled by files being dropped here:


I confirmed this by copying a sound bite, giving it a new name in this directory, relaunching Fluent Control, and the file populated in the drop-down list

I’ve been meaning to do this to mimic the Staples easy-button, “That Was Easy!”…said no Tecan script writer ever, lol.


This is a nightmare fuel sort of request. :rofl:


Thanks @Liam7b perfect instructions! I have Smooth Operator by Sade playing if a Run finishes with no errors or warnings…and some unfortunate songs by T-Pain if Run finishes with errors or warnings. Let’s see how long this lasts before I disable this and just set up a Slack notification :slight_smile:


I was just thinking about this. Maybe I’ll get the Tekken “You Lose” voice for a failure.