Opentrons OT-2 Issue


Is there a way to fix this issue I am having? I have seen it posted about multiple times on Git Hub but there seems to be no responses. I have just recently upgraded my opentrons to 6.3.1 and I went through all of the calibrations, including deck, tip and pipette offsets. All of that went smoothly and so I uploaded one of my protocols and went to go through labware offset setup, and that is where I saw the issue. We have a temperature module on slot 10 that ends up being much higher than the rest of the labware. I went to check the tip box in front of the temperature module in slot 7 and the pipette head crashes into the temperature module and then stops over column 12, when I believe it is supposed to go to column 1. Has anyone had this happened to them when they updated and if so how were you able to fix it? Or is Opentrons coming out with another update to fix this bug?

@randob- pushed this to our internal team… we’ll get you an answer on this!

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@randob - can you email and copy me ( They have a few more questions for you… When we have the final answer, we can copy here so it’s in the forum and accessible by public as well.


Yes, I will do that now. Thank you!

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Thanks for reaching out to support @randob. Emailing support will ensure proper documentation of issue, tracking & high probability of prompt resolution.

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Be sure to echo the solution here for visibility in the future! Sounds like it might be a fairly common issue.


Hello all, I am the head of support at Opentrons. I wanted to get some more info from @randob to confirm what the issue could be without compromising their privacy.

A bit of background on the issue, in software version v6.3.0, we introduced a new process to our Labware Position Check. This process allows for minor adjustments for a pipette to go to the correct location on specific labware in a specific deck slot. The new process requires removing all labware from the deck and modules, but modules can remain on the deck.

@randob kept the labware on their temperature module, specifically an Aluminum 96-well adapter. The OT-2 moved on a path toward the tiprack in which it thought that the adapter was not on the temperature module, resulting in the crash. I had them perform a factory reset, recalibrate the OT-2, remove the Aluminum adapter from the temperature module, and then try the labware position check again. The OT-2 was able to perform the labware position check this time. They will continue to perform tests and update me if anything else happens.

We should have done a better job of explaining what exactly is required to be removed during the labware position check. It is not clear that labware needs to be removed from the modules. Based on their experience (and others), I have discussed making labware position check easier/more straightforward with our engineering team. For now, you must remove the labware and aluminum plate from the module.


Thanks for that response ethan!

Why not just keep all the labware on the deck during a position check like it was before? This feels like an extra step / more annoyances / potential contamination (for cell culture). Do you know the rationale for this?

@Shinedalgarno, I apologize for the delayed response. The new labware position check system is part of a larger project that will eventually allow us to introduce a deck state modification system. This would enable labware to move to different slots on the deck during a run. I understand the confusion/added complication this adds to the labware position check, especially if you have sensitive material on the deck, and we are considering all feedback to allow us to enable the deck state modification system in a less complicated way. I appreciate your honest feedback on the Labware Position Check system!



I just wanted to update you on this issue/bug. Our next software update (7.0.1) will be released in the next few weeks. In that update, we are making it so the OT-2 moves to the maximum vertical height during the LPC process. This should prevent any potential collision from happening.

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@ethan_jones thank you so much for reaching out to let us know. We will most likely implement this new update to both of our Opentrons when it is released!

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